


LV CRBP.01-KXLY-AD-Q525-350-R18

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LV CRBP.01-KXLY-AD-Q525-350-R18

Manufacturer ams OSRAM
Packaging 1
Package Type 1
RoHS Status
Description The OSLON® Signal combines a compact form factor with high efficiency and electrically insulated thermal pad. The square package matches the optical center with the mechanical center. This provides easy clustering flexibility and high packing density for a maximum flux density. The color bins are defined for best fit to most signaling norms.

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Manufacturer ams OSRAM
Packing 1
Package Type 1
Product Category Oslon Signal
Lead Free/RoHS Status
Description The OSLON® Signal combines a compact form factor with high efficiency and electrically insulated thermal pad. The square package matches the optical center with the mechanical center. This provides easy clustering flexibility and high packing density for a maximum flux density. The color bins are defined for best fit to most signaling norms.
In Stock:100
Minimum : 1 Multiples : 1